Friday, August 8, 2014

This Month's Selected Posts from the Ideas Lab

Promoting the Abstinence Message Again

"The thing is, encouraging people to choose abstinence because it is 'cool' is pointless. Things are cool one day and 'so uncool' the next. We choose abstinence for good reasons."


Promoting the Abstinence Message Again Part 2: It's a Cultural Belief, Not a Judgement

"I believe the way abstinence only education is run is actually bringing abstinence a bad name. We need to reclaim the abstinence movement: it's a cultural belief that we share, not a judgement on the rest of the world."

Promoting the Abstinence Message Again Part 3: A Matter of Definition

"I believe it's important to specify this inclusive language, even though it makes for less of a 'slogan', so we don't delegitimise non-marriage relationships which are otherwise as committed and as permanent."


Answering Critics of Marriage Privatization


What's Wrong with Marijuana Positivity

"In my mind, marijuana is dangerous. I would also be worried if I ever found out a friend was using marijuana - not judgemental as you may think, but just worried for them."